domingo, 25 de fevereiro de 2007


A revista canadiana PARACHUTE termina com o n.125 que tem como tema HAVANA e que foi lançado em Janeiro de 2007 a sua publicação regular que acontecia desde 1974.
As razões evocadas são económicas apesar da importância e prestigio desta publicação.
Já em novembro de 2006 tinha sido publicada no site da revista uma carta de Chantal Pontbriand, crítica, comissária e directora desde o início desta publicação e que informava sobre o fecho da mesma.
"A great program! Great results! But this in spite of reduced means, spread thin over thirty years of existence. PARACHUTE is present in some forty countries, even though its print run is limited to four or five thousand copies. The magazine has been read and appreciated for a long time now, which contributes to its exceptional outreach. It belongs to the world of references most international and local protagonists in the art world use. However, when the bell tolls, the adventure should come to a stop, at least in the way it has been led until now. The economic structure needed to pursue this passionate venture linking actors from around the world is gravely lacking at this point.The situation was never comfortable, but the continuing withdrawal of government funding for innovation in the arts, the need to cultivate ever-more private funding in a country where sponsorship of contemporary art is underdeveloped, where few art galleries in the field exist, does not help our effort to raise funds and be self-sustaining. After huge efforts to cut costs and to increase fundraising in the private sector in the hope of counteracting a too fragile economic situation, our endeavour must come to a halt while we reconsider the situation and find other ways of doing what we do. Personnally, I do not wish to stop, being convinced of the need for the magazine." (Chantal Pontbriand 06)
Em Kassel na DOCUMENTA 12 será uma das últimas aparições públicas desta revista no MAGAZINE PROJECT.